Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kendra Married Hank!

Kendra Wilkinson, formerly one of Hugh Hefner's 3 girlfriends and Girl's Next Door co-star, married Philadelphia Eagles' Hank Baskett on Saturday, June 27th!

The couple were wed at the PlayBoy Mansion in the front lawn reportedly but the wishing well. There were 500 guests in attendance and Colin, Kendra's brother, walked her down the aisle. Hugh Hefner and her other two former co-stars, Bridget and Holly, were in attendance as well.

The couple announced their engagement in November. Earlier this month it was leaked and confirmed that Kendra was expecting.

Can't wait to see what this baby looks like!

Congratulations are in order for the happy couple!

Also, for all you die-hard fans... unless you have your head in the sand, Kendra has a new reality tv show! Catch it on E! Sunday nights. Love it! =)

RIP Billy Mays

Billy Mays Sr., age 50, was found dead by his wife Deborah Mays at their Florida home this morning. An on call fire emergency crew declared him dead at 7:45 am. Apparently Billy was on a flight that had a rough landing Saturday night. The cause of death has yet to be determined, the autopsy will be performed on Monday.

So sad.

He is survived by his wife, Deborah, their daughter and Billy Mays Jr. (from a previous marriage.)

What a terrible week.
To read the entire story, click here.

Coupons Coupons Coupons!

Everyone knows coupons save you money. When you're living on a tight budget, especially in this economy, coupons can be a budget saver. I was looking online and found a great website that has many products. You get 84 Free Coupons when you sign up and many more offers as you go.

Check out the website:

Cheap Diapers!

This is to outline my journey to the best deals on diapers for Madeline.

So, I am constantly looking for great deals on everything for our family. We're a typical military-one-income-family so every penny counts. I'm sure there are many other people in a one income family that are not military... so that's not the point, haha.

Everyone tells you when you tell them you're expecting that diapers are expensive and will make a big dent in your pocketbook. No kidding.

I started purchasing my diapers at Wal Mart under the impression that they would be the least expensive... hmm, not so much.

So then I checked with Target, pretty much the same as Wal Mart but they have more sales on the big value boxes of diapers so they're a little cheaper.

We already had a Sam's Club membership, so while shopping for other items I decided to check out what value they offered. The selection was limited but the value for Pamper's Swaddlers size 1-2 was about 15 cents per diaper. Not bad, but once Maddie was out of that size, the value was gone. They didn't have Cruisers and I'm not interested in Baby Dry because they're too rough.

So then where? I frequent Babies R Us usually at least once a month. I love their clearance stands for baby clothes. They have such great deals some times. I decided to check out the diapers and saw that they were $41.99/box of 160 of size 3. That breaks down to .26 cents per diaper. Not bad, comparable to most places I've looked. I signed up for the free customer loyalty program, Rewards R Us at the checkout. Best part- purchase 9 boxes and get the 10th box free. They also send you rewards coupons and special offers. The card may give you an additional discount at the register for other products you purchase. My only issue- it takes me about a half hour to get there, so it calls for a 1 hour commute which isn't always simple with an infant.

That led me to looking online. I googled cheap diapers and one of the top sites was . For Pampers Cruisers Size 3 box of 160 is $41.99. Same price as Babies R Us. But, it gets better. When you sign up as a customer, there is a $5 off your first purchase coupon and a $1 off Pampers coupon. You automatically save $6 off your first purchase. All purchases $49 or more get you free shipping that is guaranteed to get to you in 1-2 days (if you order by 6pm). Ordering 2 boxes at a time is the most economical and they are delivered to your home quickly, for free! Plus you save $6. They also have a Price Match Guarantee so if you find diapers cheaper anywhere else online, they will match that competitors price. Sounds great and sounds like my new way of getting diapers. It will save me travel time, gas money and a possibly crabby baby. Another great offer from this site is their Refer A Friend- they get $10 off their first order and you get $1 off every time they reorder. What could be better? A+++

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cake Can Cause Divorce!

Wow, I don't even know what to say, ha. I was just reading an article entitled "Confessions of a Wedding Planner" that detailed tell tale signs for a failed marriage. Goodness.

"1. The Bride Refuses to Let the Groom Choose The Cake"... supposedly means that the woman rules with an "iron fist" and they are unable to "make decisions together." Seriously? Really, how many men are interested in ANYTHING having to do with a wedding and all that stress let alone the cake?! Wow. So if the guy wants a chocolate cake and the chick says no way we're having french vanilla that means the two are utterly doomed to divorce court?! Hmm... absurb much?

Sometimes I think articles like this are written to frighten young girls into thinking they cannot be outspoken or idealistic. Nor should they make any decisions or be firm on their decision without fearing the life she is attempting to build will fall apart. How is that for not being able to communicate effectively?

I am not saying that women should be "bridezillas" and demand, demand, demand... but eek. Cake?!

I feel like all relationships require give and take. There are appropriate times to speak up for yourself if your feelings or thoughts are not being considered or worse, overlooked. Especially if you have already made your feelings known... But always remember to choose your battles wisely. Is it worth it to constantly pick fights over every little slight? Ick.

BlackBerry Curve

So, my husband and I were sick of the do-nothing-special flip phones i.e. Motorola Razr. We were ready for something that could give us a lot more mobility in retrieving information. I was sick of trying to view my email on through the web button on the phone. Such a pain! Plus, they (Flip Phones) seem like devices from the dark ages now. I started researching phones online that were provided by Verizon. While there were many to choose from, the BB Curve seemed the most appealing. The full keyboard, the size of the screen, the convenience keys, the scroll ball, the many tools and applications already tested and readily available (many for free) peaked my interest.

When we went to the Verizon store and started looking at the phones they had on display, I quickly found the Curve. The salesman gave very compelling reviews (he pulled his out and started showing us things he could do with it) but also warned, “You will never want a different kind of phone. This phone is addicting. They don’t call them CrackBerries for nothing.”

CrackBerries? What?! How could a phone possibly be addicting? Let me remind you I have never had a Cellular PDA so I had no idea what was in store for me. We purchased our phones and activated them. Then came the real story, HOW ON EARTH DO WE MAKE A PHONE CALL?! Ha. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to make phone calls and store names and numbers on my phone.

Once I mastered the basics and understood what each pre-programmed application did, I was hungry for more. What else could this little computer in my hand do?! I began searching the web for other applications. I first went to and clicked on the “What Can BlackBerry Do?” tab. At the bottom there is a link for Downloads. I clicked on the link and it brought me to a page that had a whole slew of convenient applications that could be downloaded for free. Great!

But still, after perfecting those, I wanted more, I needed more. I was addicted! So I searched my new Google application for Free BlackBerry Applications and Downloads. I came across an amazing site, . This site is fantastic! Every kind of topic and application at my fingertips! A new application was developed and ready for download: BlackBerry App World. This is an application that is basically a store for all the applications created for BlackBerry compiled in one location. I deem it perfect.

Now, for ringtones… unlike the V-Cast, there isn’t an application pre-programmed for ringtones. You can either sign up for a $9.99/month ringtone plan from any ringtone provider on tv like Ringster or you can create your own. The BB does have a microphone and recorder. But then, my husband found and we can download songs and all sorts of things, for free! The content is created by users so the quality isn’t great on all files but it does have a preview option so you can hear what it sounds like prior to downloading.

All in all, after finding free applications and ringtones, the additional $30/month from our service provider for unlimited data is absolutely worth it. I love this phone and I will never have a regular one again! I highly recommend this phone to anyone who is looking to break into the PDA-World but unsure of how to use it. It’s simple.

Murad Skin Care

This is seriously the BEST skin care system I have EVER used. Unlike ProActiv, there is no breakout for weeks or months and then see benefits. It's amazing. It smells great and your face feels soo nice after.

I tried it because, like millions of other Americans with mild-stress related bumps to severe painful and scarring acne... I needed some kind of facial cleanser that was gentle enough to do the job but strong enough to keep blemishes away. I don't really suffer from serious severe acne, but who wants any kinds of bumps or oil on their face?! This is amazing and I definitely recommend anyone trying it.

Perez Hilton

So, Perez Hilton, AKA Mario Lavendiera, who sucks on Jellysickles and slurps down Haterade all day long... finally got what was coming to him.

This guy has spent the past however many years talking smack about some of our celebrity heroes. He thought he was invincible and untouchable. My oh my, how the might have fallen.

Once he STARTED a fight with Will.I.Am from Black Eyed Peas and upset all the onlookers, calling him a fag. Who does that?! And what self obsessed gay man spews derogatory remarks like that?! Wayyy hypocritical. So, really. Cry cry cry. It didn't even look that bad. He made it like he was pummeled.

Kate Gosselin Has A Bangin' Bod!

I don't care what people say about her attitude, her relationship, her hair, whatever.
Her body is banging!
Can you imagine looking like this after 8 kids?!
Probably not. This lady knows she's hot and she has every right to strut her stuff!