Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cake Can Cause Divorce!

Wow, I don't even know what to say, ha. I was just reading an article entitled "Confessions of a Wedding Planner" that detailed tell tale signs for a failed marriage. Goodness.

"1. The Bride Refuses to Let the Groom Choose The Cake"... supposedly means that the woman rules with an "iron fist" and they are unable to "make decisions together." Seriously? Really, how many men are interested in ANYTHING having to do with a wedding and all that stress let alone the cake?! Wow. So if the guy wants a chocolate cake and the chick says no way we're having french vanilla that means the two are utterly doomed to divorce court?! Hmm... absurb much?

Sometimes I think articles like this are written to frighten young girls into thinking they cannot be outspoken or idealistic. Nor should they make any decisions or be firm on their decision without fearing the life she is attempting to build will fall apart. How is that for not being able to communicate effectively?

I am not saying that women should be "bridezillas" and demand, demand, demand... but eek. Cake?!

I feel like all relationships require give and take. There are appropriate times to speak up for yourself if your feelings or thoughts are not being considered or worse, overlooked. Especially if you have already made your feelings known... But always remember to choose your battles wisely. Is it worth it to constantly pick fights over every little slight? Ick.

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